Snowberry Update Announcement!

What's the Snowberry update?!

The Snowberry update is going to be game changing; and fixing! New gameplay, TONS of bug fixes; and overall a more polished experience. This update will present a more polished game with some additional content to showcase what the game can become! This update is a TALL order since I'm going to be promising a release date of 12/18/19!
I'll be sticking to themed update names so have fun!

The Full Details

Tile Based Movement Plus: The original idea of the game was that the enemies would only follow your last known location and you could mask your jingle bell hat by using time to do a slower movement. This didn't come to pass for multiple reasons but I've found a new way to freshen up the gameplay! Time will tick down like usual but enemies will only move when you move and they will follow you when you've entered their awareness range. This will create a more puzzle feeling to the game as it was meant to be.

Sword Breaking: So, the original jam version of the game has everything in it to break you Candy Cane Sword when used too many times; but I didn't actually enable it by accident. I could fix this in a hotfix but I want to preserve the Jam edition of the game as what I did in the 7ish hours. So instead I'll fix that in this update. I'm also going to add a visual effect to help determine how broken the sword is. I'm going to update the sprite, and I'm going to make it so the sword tracks with the player a tad better. I'll also be adding a slash effect to make the combat feel a bit better.

Much VOX: I originally wanted some death lines for unique to each character and had an entire page of dialogue written up for the 3 first characters. I only got around to putting in the Candelice death lines since I wasn't able to record the voice lines I was supposed to record. I want to record voice lines for being selected, being hurt, clearing a level; and dying. To add some more polish and depth to the game and its characters.

Endgame Story: Originally I had this little bit of dialogue unique to each character planned to make the end of the game unique, fun; and give some more depth to the game. I wanted to avoid creating a "Holiday Special" game even for a jam. I wanted to expand how many people think of Santa and the North Pole. I wanted to tease some epic lore. Story and Jams don't usually go hand in hand which is why this bit got cut so I could more or less make that original jam deadline. But, in this update I want to take the time to create some end scenes for each character and maybe multiple endings.

Credits Scene: The Credits button at the title doesn't actually do anything and this will change that! I full credits scene will be added with a fun little surprise!

MORE DUNGEONS: Originally I wanted to make at least 3 dungeons per floor and each floor has their own dungeon set to ensure proper difficulty. So for this update I want to make around 10 dungeons for each floor which is a total of 50 more dungeon rooms! Big number, they have to be designed well and be fun. Since the jam edition has a lack of anything besides movement and attacking; I'm going to be adding in more gameplay enhancers. Switches, Timed Switches, Buttons, Pushable Blocks, Falling, Slippery Flooring, Collapsing Flooring; and Spikes!

Additional SFX: I'll be adding/modifying the current sounds to fit the game better and create a better experience.

Animated Enemies: I have animations setup already but I never got around to playing the correct animations for them due to the crunch of it all. So, I'll be setting those up in this update.

Particles!: Particles are that nice little flair that add so much polish to a game! So, I'm definitely adding in some particles to the game. Movement will create some dust particles. Death particles so that death isn't this bland thing or a gorey thing; it's kinda pretty. I'll be on the look out for ways to incorporate more particles.

Special Game Modes: I wanted to add in more game modes but quickly cut it since there wasn't enough time. These modes will mostly be different health amounts, time amounts; and as more things are added they'll modify the gameplay to make each playthrough more interesting!

Collectathon Love: The game lacks a score, it lacks any collectibles, and that is a huge absence in my opinion. I'll be adding a plethora of collectibles, score increasers, life replenishers, time adders, candy cane fixers; and some special fun ones! 

Code Cleanup: This is more for me than anyone but I need to cleanup the code and make everything a lot more stable. This goes hand in hand with bug fixing.

Release Date will be this week but may extend to Sunday. I'm trying to get everything finished by the deadline but a more realistic date will be Friday night (12/20).

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